Youngkin signs executive order banning cell phones in Virginia public schools

Virginia is set to introduce guidelines that will limit or eliminate the use of student cell phones during school hours.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed Executive Order 33 on Tuesday, instructing his administration to establish cell phone-free policies for school divisions in response to concerns from parents, public health experts, and educators.

The Virginia Department of Education, in partnership with the Departments of Health and Human Services, will define “cell phone-free education” and publish guidance on implementing this approach in K-12 schools by Aug. 15. More details are available here.

The initiative aims to protect students’ health and well-being by reducing exposure to cell phones and social media distractions in the classroom. Gov. Youngkin allocated $500,000 to support the implementation of these policies.

The funds will assist in organizing family nights, community engagement events, and providing microgrants to school divisions for implementing best practices regarding cell phone use.

Public input will be sought through listening sessions to develop age-appropriate cell phone-free policies. The final guidance is expected by Sept. 16, with school boards required to adopt the policies by Jan. 1, 2025.

Research indicates that excessive social media use can impact adolescents’ mental health negatively. Studies suggest that children spend around 4.8 hours daily on social media, affecting their academic performance. Further details can be found here.

Virginia Education Association President James Fedderman acknowledges concerns about cell phone use in classrooms and calls for a balanced approach that considers both students’ and teachers’ needs.

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