White House praises Indo-Pacific Strategy for enhancing security and prosperity in the US and the region

The execution of the Indo-Pacific Strategy by the United States in 2022, amidst its strategic competition with China, has resulted in a more secure and prosperous country and region, while also expanding its partnership with India in unprecedented ways. Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the White House’s National Security Council, stated during a media address on the second anniversary of the Biden administration’s landmark foreign policy strategy that “the United States has never been in a stronger position in the Indo-Pacific.”

“We have made historic progress in advancing an Indo-Pacific that is free and open, connected, prosperous, secure, and resilient over the past two years. Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, the United States has never been in a stronger position in the Indo-Pacific,” she added.

According to Watson, the US has reinvested and revitalized its alliances and partnerships over the past two years since the launch of the Indo-Pacific Strategy, taking them to new heights.

“We have deepened and elevated alliances with Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), Australia, the Philippines, and Thailand. We upgraded our bilateral relationships with Vietnam and Indonesia, and our partnership with ASEAN. We have expanded our partnership with India in unprecedented ways. We have surged our efforts in the Pacific, including with two historic summits for Pacific Island leaders at the White House and the establishment of the Partners of the Blue Pacific,” she explained.

The US Department of State highlighted the importance of the Indo-Pacific region, stating that as the most dynamic and fastest-growing region on earth, it is an essential driver of America’s future security and prosperity.

“The Indo-Pacific region is home to more than half the world’s population and accounts for 60% of global GDP, as well as two-thirds of global economic growth,” the fact sheet stated. It further mentioned that trade between the United States and the Indo-Pacific region reached over USD 2 trillion in 2022, and the United States benefits from USD 956 billion in foreign direct investment from the Indo-Pacific.

Despite the progress made in cooperation, the fact sheet acknowledged the challenges posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It noted that China has become more repressive at home and more assertive abroad, undermining human rights and international law while seeking to reshape the international order.

Watson mentioned that President Joe Biden hosted the historic US-Japan-South Korea trilateral summit at Camp David, signaling a new chapter in this important partnership. Under Biden’s leadership, the US has elevated the Quad with Australia, India, and Japan to a leader-level summit and has delivered concrete results for the Indo-Pacific region in various areas such as vaccines, maritime domain awareness, and scholarships for students.

Watson also highlighted the three Official State Visits hosted by President Biden with leaders of Indo-Pacific countries, namely the Republic of Korea, India, and Australia. She further mentioned the historic cooperation between the United States, Japan, and the Philippines.

In addition, the US has strengthened ties between Europe and the Indo-Pacific through the launch of AUKUS, a historic partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This reflects the recognition that the opportunities and challenges in one region directly affect the other.

Finally, Watson emphasized that the execution of the Indo-Pacific Strategy has made the country and the region more secure and more prosperous. She stated, “All of this strengthens the United States’ position in the Indo-Pacific and advances our interests in and vision for the region amidst strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China. And even as we confront challenges elsewhere, the United States will proudly continue to prioritize our work in this critical region for our future.”

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