What to Put for Highest Level of Education When Still in College: A Guide to Accurately Reflecting Your Academic Status

When filling out forms that ask about your educational background, students still in college might find themselves at a crossroads. The question “What to put for highest level of education when still in college?” can be a stumbling block, whether for job applications, internships, or scholarships. Understanding how to accurately represent your educational status can affect how potential employers, admissions committees, or scholarship panels perceive your application. This article delves into the nuances of responding to questions about your highest level of education and offers guidance to help you navigate these inquiries confidently.

What is Your Highest Level of Education?

Before tackling the main question, it’s essential to understand what is meant by “highest level of education.” This term refers to the most advanced level of schooling you have completed successfully. Depending on the individual’s educational journey, it can range from high school diplomas to doctoral degrees. For students currently enrolled in college, this definition can seem a bit murky. Should you list your high school diploma because it’s the last level you completed, or should you acknowledge your ongoing college education?

Understanding the Context

The answer largely depends on the context in which the question is asked. If the form or application explicitly requests information about completed education only, then your highest level of completed education might indeed be your high school diploma. However, many forms and applications are more interested in your current educational pursuits, especially if those are relevant to the opportunity you’re applying for.

How to Indicate Ongoing College Education

When faced with the query “What is your highest level of education?” on a form or application, here are steps you can take to reflect your status as a current college student accurately:

1. Select the “Some College” Option

Many forms include “Some College” as an option. This choice is designed for students who have begun college education but have not yet graduated. It acknowledges that you have surpassed high school level education but are still in the process of obtaining a college degree.

2. Specify Your Expected Graduation Date

Provide additional information about your college education, such as your major and expected graduation date. This information can be incredibly valuable, particularly if you’re applying for positions or opportunities related to your field of study. It signals to the reader where you are in your educational journey and where you’re headed.

3. Be Clear About Your Current Level

For a more nuanced approach, especially in conversations or interviews, you might need to be specific about your current year in college (e.g., “sophomore in college, majoring in…”). This detail offers a clearer picture of how far along you are in your education.

What is the Highest Level of Education You Have Completed?

This question can be particularly tricky for students in their college education. It’s crucial to differentiate between the education you have fully completed and the education you are currently pursuing. In scenarios where the distinction matters, clarity is key. For instance, if an application form does not provide options for students currently enrolled in college, selecting “High School” as the highest completed level might be appropriate and then using an additional comments section to note your ongoing college education.

Crafting Your Response

When completing a degree, framing your response can make a significant difference. Here are a few tips:

  • Be Honest: Always represent your educational status accurately. Misrepresenting your education can have negative repercussions down the line.
  • Use the Additional Comments Section Wisely: If the form allows, use the additional comments section to provide more details about your college education. This is your opportunity to explain that you’re a current college student and to highlight any relevant coursework or achievements.
  • Prepare to Elaborate in Interviews: If your application progresses to an interview, discuss your current educational status, emphasizing how your ongoing education aligns with your career goals or the opportunity you’re pursuing.


Navigating the question of “What to put for the highest level of education when still in college?” requires a blend of honesty, precision, and strategic thinking. By understanding how to represent your ongoing educational endeavors accurately, you can ensure that your applications reflect your current achievements and future potential. Remember, the goal is to present a full picture of your educational background, highlighting what you have completed and what you are actively working towards. This approach answers the question at hand and showcases your commitment to your educational and professional development.

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