Three Strategies for Building Confidence and Enjoying the Journey as New School Administrators

Travis Moss, the assistant principal at Spring Canyon Middle School in Springville, Utah, encountered a puzzling situation last school year when a student handed him a stick of butter without explanation.

As a middle school leader, Moss has handled various incidents from comforting students with lost baby teeth to enforcing dress code policies, like prohibiting tube tops.

During his presentation at the National Conference on School Leadership, Moss reflected on his initial challenges as an administrator and shared how he gained confidence over time through implementing positive changes within the school community.

Reflecting on his experience, Moss stated, “You learn a lot from getting lost,” highlighting the valuable lessons gained in the journey of becoming a school administrator.

  • Discover your guiding principle. Moss’s office displays the phrase “Walk them home,” symbolizing the support he has received and his role in providing support within the school community.

    “Others have walked me home,” Moss shared. “Now I am blessed to do the same.”

  • Find a supportive partner.. Lundell acknowledged the necessity of seeking help and forming relationships with trusted colleagues to ensure success in the administrative role.

    “The success of our school lies with us,” Lundell emphasized. “That’s a lot less scary when you know you have a good co-pilot.”

  • Energize yourself daily.. Moss revamped his daily routine by setting specific times to check emails to avoid distractions and embraced music to uplift himself and students at the start of each day.

    Despite facing challenges, Moss emphasized, “My battery is charged because I prioritize preparing myself for the day.”

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