Teachers Boost Student Participation Through Custom-Made Videos

Despite the numerous obstacles presented by virtual learning, many educators are utilizing technology to enhance student engagement and establish connections with their students. Some teachers, whether conducting classes virtually or in person, have discovered that unconventional learning methods are even more effective in capturing students’ interest compared to in-person instruction.

Lindy Hockenbary authored A Teacher’s Guide to Online Learning and serves as an instructional technologist assisting educators and schools in maximizing technology utilization. A key focus of Hockenbary’s efforts involves facilitating student-teacher connections to foster engagement and learning outcomes.

Encouraging instructor-generated videos is one of the strategies promoted by Hockenbary.

According to a 2014 research study, instructor-created video content significantly enhanced student engagement and satisfaction in higher education online courses. The quantity and quality of student responses in discussions saw a notable increase when teachers incorporated self-produced videos.

Jennifer Levanduski, the head of marketing at ClassIn, an educational technology company, notes the evolving landscape of education in response to changing societal norms. As platforms like TikTok popularize concise, informal videos, Levanduski and Hockenbary advocate for educators to adapt. While professionally curated videos from sources like Khan Academy are beneficial, they assert that more personal, casual videos crafted by teachers can foster a stronger sense of connection. Hockenbary references studies showing that students establish deeper bonds with instructors who use self-created videos compared to those reliant on externally produced materials. ClassIn provides tools for teachers to produce and enhance videos, develop virtual resources, conduct polls, track attendance, utilize an interactive blackboard, administer quizzes, and evaluate assignments.

“Reaching students based on their preferences has always been crucial,” Levanduski states. “Given the current trend of consuming brief video content, leveraging such media to establish connections with students can enhance engagement.”

Hockenbary emphasizes the versatility of videos for educators, suggesting various applications such as introductions, lesson explanations, syllabus reviews, and personalized student feedback. She advises teachers not to fret over minor speech errors during recordings, as they wouldn’t pause and restart in traditional face-to-face lectures.

In a recent ClassIn webinar moderated by Levanduski on Jan. 22, Hockenbary shared insights on enhancing student engagement across remote, hybrid, and traditional classroom settings. She emphasizes that student engagement hinges on a sense of belonging and potential success in completing tasks, underscoring the importance of cultivating personal interactions and community within classrooms, irrespective of the delivery mode.

While educational institutions have largely resumed face-to-face instruction, Hockenbary asserts that classroom technology remains indispensable. She contends that employing a blended approach involving in-person lectures, video creation, podcasting, and other technological tools is crucial to offering diverse learning opportunities and enhancing engagement.

Another benefit of technology in educational settings is enabling reserved or anxious students to participate actively. Levanduski highlights that platforms allow shy students to engage in nonverbal communication or provide feedback anonymously, empowering a broader spectrum of students to contribute.

“With inclusive input mechanisms, every student can engage, unlike traditional lectures where participation is limited,” Hockenbary explains. “This caters to all students, including those who might be hesitant to speak up.”

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