Scientists reveal the potential of bionic spinal cord implants

Bionic (adjective, “By-AHN-ick”)

The term “bionic” is associated with technology that draws inspiration from nature or involves the integration of biological and synthetic components.

Consider a scenario where an individual who has lost a hand acquires a sophisticated prosthetic or artificial hand. This prosthetic features sensory receptors that are able to interface with the person’s nervous system. This integration enables the individual to experience tactile sensations through the artificial hand. This serves as an illustration of a bionic device. Bionic prosthetic limbs can empower individuals lacking arms to grasp a cup of hot chocolate or facilitate someone without lower limbs to take a leisurely stroll.

Furthermore, bionic implants exemplify devices that merge biological and artificial elements. These implants, when interfacing with the brain, have the potential to address medical conditions and aid in the recovery from injuries. Certain bionic implants enable users to manipulate objects solely through their thoughts. Notably, brain implants have furnished paralyzed individuals with the capability to input text on a computer system.

The realm of bionic technology extends beyond mere imitation of nature. A group of researchers modified living plants to exhibit luminescence in low-light conditions. Their objective was to develop urban lighting solutions that coexist harmoniously with the environment. By introducing minuscule particles into the plant cells, these nanoparticles harnessed the plant’s energy to emit light.

Moreover, bio-inspired creations fall under the category of bionic innovations. Take the example of Velcro, a fastener that employs a hook-and-loop mechanism inspired by the clinging action of seed pods on fabric. Artificial intelligence (AI) is another instance of technology inspired by biological processes. AI researchers often emulate neural mechanisms to create AI systems.

In a sentence

Researchers utilized nanostructures composed of carbon atoms and a 3-D printer to fabricate bionic mushrooms that can produce electricity.

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