President Joe Biden declines to pursue reelection campaign, Harris pledges nomination victory.

President Joe Biden exited the 2024 presidential race on Sunday, revealing his decision in “a letter posted to social media,” which left an unexpected leadership gap within the Democratic ticket just ahead of his anticipated nomination acceptance.

In a subsequent “post” less than a half-hour later, Biden openly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor for the party’s nominee position.

The withdrawal from Biden followed a protracted pressure campaign from party insiders post a challenging June 27 debate against former President Donald Trump, which culminated in his decision to step down.

The sudden move further complicates the already unconventional presidential race, leaving uncertainties about the selection of Biden’s replacement for the upcoming election in November, with Harris seeming a strong contender for the lead.

Acknowledging Harris as an outstanding partner in his administration’s achievements, Biden’s rationale for stepping aside, amid a recent COVID-19 infection, was to redirect his focus to executing his presidential duties for the remainder of his term.

Biden’s decision to forgo reelection stemmed from concerns about his fitness to compete against Trump and govern effectively, fueled by a series of public appearances that raised doubts among party members.

Calls for Biden to withdraw intensified, with Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, along with 29 House Democrats, urging him to exit the race.

In response to Biden’s announcement, Trump criticized his competency, emphasizing that Biden was never suitable to hold the presidential office.

Biden highlighted his administration’s accomplishments in his resignation letter, noting achievements in various areas and hinting at an upcoming address to the nation regarding his decision.

Expressing gratitude to his supporters, including Kamala Harris, Biden signaled his endorsement for Harris to succeed him as the party’s nominee, urging unity among Democrats to combat Trump.

Trump’s rising poll numbers have underscored the implications of Biden’s withdrawal, posing a challenge for Democrats in finding a replacement candidate on such short notice.

The outpouring of reactions following Biden’s announcement saw Democrats lauding his record and commending his courageous decision, with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer emphasizing Biden’s remarkable leadership qualities.

Biden’s departure from the race marks the end of a distinguished 50-year career in Washington, highlighted by significant economic and legislative achievements, albeit amid challenges and controversies stirring dissatisfaction among segments of the population.

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