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Texas College Program Partners with Young Voters to Provide Election Poll Work Experience

Young adults in El Paso County abstain from voting for various reasons, but El P …

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Demand for Faster Educational Data Analysis Increases

During my recent discussion with Mark Schneider, the departing Director of the I …

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Benefits of Personal Meetings Between Administrators and Teachers

Schools buzz with formal dialogues—pre-observation and post-observation conferen …

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Oakland REACH parent ‘liberators’ continue to make an impact with math tutoring

The Oakland REACH, in partnership with the Oakland Unified School District, has …

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Rich Lyons named new chancellor at UC Berkeley

This news has been enhanced with extra quotes. UC Berkeley’s Vice-Chancell …

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“Alabama School Funding Under Review by Newly Launched Coalition”

A group of education and civil rights organizations are set to advocate for alte …

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California student news outlets increase coverage in Spanish.

Este artículo está disponible en Español. Léelo en español. Several student-oper …

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California valedictorian opts out of delivering graduation speech due to troubling conversations

The valedictorian of the University of Southern California will no longer give a …

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