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New Jersey Assembly Passes Legislation to Assist School Districts Dealing with Decreased State Funding

State lawmakers passed a bill on Monday aimed at assisting school districts that …

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Tennessee teacher introduces ocean-themed lessons to students in a landlocked area

How do teachers engage their students? In our series How I Teach, we delve into …

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Nebraska University and Google team up to provide career certificates to students, alumni, and residents of Nebraska.

LINCOLN — A new partnership between the University of Nebraska and Google aims t …

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DeSantis enacts law restricting Florida school book challenges

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Monday his intention to endorse a bil …

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Canada Teen Develops AI-Powered App for Postpartum Depression Treatment

VIEW: Canadian Teen Develops Innovative Solution for Postpartum Depression Using …

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AI Tools
Jailbreaks unveil the sinister side of chatbots

ChatGPT graciously asks, “How may I assist you today?” This chatbot …

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AI Tools
Creating Artificial Intelligence Systems with Positive Behavior

On a regular day in the Minecraft universe, a bot unexpectedly strolls into a vi …

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Robocops Monitoring Children’s Online Exams with Room Scans and Eye Detectors

By Mark Keierleber April 18, 2024 The utilization of remote proctoring tools lik …

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