NYC schools schedule a one-day week before winter break with student-led efforts to extend it.

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New York City schools will have a one-day school week before the winter break for the upcoming school year, causing concerns about low attendance among students and staff. The break will start on December 24 and end on January 2, 2025, following a lone school day on Monday, December 23.

Young student Isaac Regnier from Brooklyn found this schedule illogical and took action by starting a petition to change the school calendar. He proposed moving the last day of school to Friday, June 27, 2025, to avoid the Monday classes. Despite his efforts, the Education Department has not responded positively.

Isaac’s petition on gathered 5,000 signatures in just one week, reflecting the frustration and support from the community. He emphasized the expected low attendance due to the awkward scheduling.

Under the state law, schools in New York City must maintain at least 180 days of session to secure state funding, which influences the calendar setup. While Isaac’s plea did not persuade officials, the importance of regular attendance for academic growth and mentorship was underscored by the Education Department.

Despite resistance to change the calendar, past instances have shown flexibility in modifying schedules after publication based on specific considerations such as holidays and closures. The city previously accommodated requests for adjustments, notably in 2019 when teachers successfully canceled classes on December 23 to align with historical precedents.

The calendar balancing act continues as the city adds more holidays while eliminating traditional snow days. Collaborations with the teachers’ union have led to alterations in the school calendar to address concerns regarding religious holidays and scheduled breaks.

As discussions unfold regarding next year’s academic calendar, Isaac’s initiative has sparked conversations about planning and adherence to holiday schedules. The early release of the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school year calendars aims to provide sufficient time for preparation, despite ongoing critiques.

Isaac’s keen interest in calendar details and strategic planning is evident as he navigates the complexities of school breaks and holiday alignments. His decision to skip school on December 23 reflects his desire to spend quality time with family during the winter break, resonating with many anticipating the festive season.

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