North Carolina Public Schools Granted Federal Funding for 114 Electric Buses

Funding of nearly $27 million from the federal government will be allocated to fifteen school districts, charter schools, and tribal schools. The funds will be used to purchase a total of 114 electric buses as part of the EPA’s Clean School Bus Grant Program. Governor Roy Cooper made this announcement on Tuesday.

In a statement, Governor Cooper highlighted the benefits of electric buses, including their ability to protect children from harmful diesel fumes, reduce carbon emissions, cut down on bus maintenance and repair costs, and create employment opportunities.

Expressing his appreciation, Governor Cooper acknowledged the investment made by the Biden Administration in communities throughout North Carolina, stating that the investment is beneficial for students, schools, the economy, and the environment.

In 2022, the state was granted 31 buses as part of the Clean School Bus Program. Furthermore, in the same year, Governor Cooper’s administration funded an additional 43 electric buses through a settlement with Volkswagen. The settlement came after the car company violated the Clean Air Act by cheating on numerous emissions tests. The state received a total of $92 million as part of a nationwide penalty imposed by the EPA on Volkswagen.

Over the past two years, North Carolina has already added 188 electric buses to its fleet. The majority of the newly acquired buses will be allocated to low-income, rural, and/or tribal communities that serve more than 300,000 students across 13 counties.

Among the school districts, Durham Public Schools will receive the largest share of the buses, with a total of 38 being allocated to them. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools will receive 27 buses, Cherokee Central Schools will receive 15, and Kannapolis City Schools will receive eight. Additionally, two Durham charter schools will receive a total of five buses. Maureen Joy Charter School will receive four buses, while Reaching All Minds Academy will receive one bus.

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