New York Teachers Dipping into Their Pockets for School Supplies

Yearly, educators in New York consistently find themselves bridging the financial gap caused by their school’s limited budgets for necessities such as classroom materials.

In the academic year 2019-20, the average expenditure on school supplies by New York teachers stood at $463, based on statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics. A staggering 95% of teachers resorted to using their own funds to buy supplies. Some teachers resort to online platforms such as GoFundMe and Donors Choose to finance necessities like crayons, pencils, and snacks for their pupils.

New York is interested in understanding how teachers are gearing up for the coming school year of 2024-25. Collaborating with New York Focus, we are gathering anecdotes from teachers across the state.

If you are a teacher who personally funds school supplies, what is your projected expenditure? Would you be willing to share your story with us? Complete the form provided below and indicate if we can establish contact with you.

This collaboration was undertaken in association with New York Focus.

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