Meaningful App-Building Project Unveiled

When students develop their own apps to address real problems, they are truly making a difference. By crafting apps that are entirely their creations, they imbue them with personal significance and impact.

Students possess diverse talents, interests, and skills that necessitate engaging projects tailored to nurture their individual strengths. Guided by skilled educators, they can pursue their unique abilities while also mastering common standards.

While impactful projects can emerge at any point during the school year, meticulous planning is crucial for the most successful endeavors. Reflecting on the past year, our standout project involved ninth-grade students collaboratively building apps at year-end.

To engage your students in such work, familiarize yourself with web browser-based app-building tools like Figma or MAD-Learn, simple graphic design software like Canva or PhotoShop Express, and allocate around six weeks for the app creation process.

PREP WORK: Understanding Collective Intelligence

Observing past projects, I noted that team diversity could be enhanced for better outcomes. It’s vital that students not only leverage their individual abilities but also cultivate teamwork skills to enhance their collective intelligence.

This year, I introduced a two-day lesson on “collective intelligence” inspired by insights from Adam Grant’s book, Hidden Potential. Topics included the pioneering “Golden 13” Black Navy officers and the exemplary teamwork of the leaders who rescued Chilean miners in 2010.

Discussions revolved around the importance of prosocial behaviors, inclusive dialogue, and the positive impact of diversity within teams.

Step 1: Brainstorming and Ideation

Prior to app development, students must dedicate ample time to brainstorming and ideation, which significantly shapes the final product’s quality. Throughout this process, I guide them by asking strategic questions about their target audience, unique value proposition, and content ideas.

While some students may turn to artificial intelligence for brainstorming assistance, I caution them about its limitations in generating truly novel ideas. Genuine creativity is fostered through collaborative discussions without AI until the app’s naming phase.

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