LA School Fights Chronic Absenteeism by Providing Washers and Dryers

Many students do not face the challenge of having clean attire for school.

However, at 112th St. S.T.E.A.M. Academy in Watts, many families struggle to provide clean clothing for their children, contributing significantly to chronic absenteeism, defined as missing 15 or more school days.

“Children’s honesty sometimes exposes the issue of dirty or smelly clothes, making them targets for bullying,” explained principal Jose Hernandez.

Principal Hernandez and his team have long been assisting families facing this challenge, including providing clothing for a child from a family without a working washer and offering financial aid for laundry expenses.

In May, the school was among the 20 recipients of a new washing machine and dryer donated by the Rams NFL football team and the Think Watts Foundation, along with a $2 million clothing donation to schools serving low-income students. The LAUSD also introduced a mobile laundry service for homeless students to tackle chronic absenteeism.

The introduction of these machines is aimed at reducing the burden on parents and facilitating students’ return to school.

Jose Hernandez shared in an interview with LA School Report about his personal background and its impact on his dedication to his students, emphasizing how seemingly small things like a washing machine can make a significant difference.

This abridged interview has been edited for clarity.

LA School Report: What’s your connection to 112th St. S.T.E.A.M. Academy?

Jose Hernandez: Growing up near Watts, two miles from where I teach now, my childhood experiences closely mirror the challenges many students face here. With a predominantly Latino and African American student body, over 95% coming from low-income backgrounds, our school, situated near Nickerson Gardens housing projects, serves students carrying a heavy emotional burden.

While combatting chronic absenteeism at 112 is an ongoing effort, we strive to instill empathy in our students, despite the conflicting influences they encounter in their community.

Despite these obstacles, many families at the school value education, viewing it as a means to elevate their socio-economic status and move out of the projects.

How does the lack of clean clothes contribute to chronic absenteeism?

The blunt honesty of students can amplify the impact of dirty clothes on their peers’ self-esteem, discouraging school attendance. This impact is particularly pronounced as students progress through higher grades, where peer validation holds significant influence.

Can you provide an example to illustrate the challenges faced by these families?

An incident involving a family with a malfunctioning washer prompted me to provide clothing to prevent the child from being ostracized. Despite attempts to repair the washer, the issue persisted, underscoring the need for urgent solutions like the donated washing machine.

How did the school address these challenges before receiving the washing machine donation?

Prior to the donation, the school systemized efforts to provide clothing and support to students facing laundry-related obstacles, including assisting families with financial constraints preventing them from accessing laundry facilities.

What are the logistical arrangements for the washing machines’ usage?

To manage machine usage efficiently, the school plans an appointment-based system managed through the Parent Center to ensure proper oversight and maintenance.

Will the service be charged?

Currently, the service remains free, supported by recycling initiatives generating funds to sustain detergent supplies and enhance the school’s resources.

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