Forgotten technology: give me a lever and I will movethe world

The Egyptian pyramids are well-known representatives of forgotten technologies’ use. Mammoths still roamed our planet when the first pyramids were built. Some people believe that some extraterrestrial civilizations built the pyramids because the then workers were incapable of lifting heavy stones without extra help. But there is not a single evidence to back up such a theory.

Have you ever used search requests like “write my essay” or “help with research papers” leaving everyone else wondering how you managed to handle the assignment so fast? So, who knows, maybe, Neolithic people used some extra help as well.

Stonehenge is a famous areological site. Built from enormous rocks centuries ago, it hides the answer to the question “how to move heavy objects with simple tools”. For construction, which began around 2600 BC, builders used sandstone boulders and diabase blue stones (fairly hard volcanic rocks) brought from afar.

Facts to know about Stonehenge construction

In ancient times, megaliths were built all over the world – from Easter Island to Norway. All these structures are made from stones piled up in different shapes. Most importantly, each megalith was shrouded in mystery. Few people put questions “How heavy are the stones at Stonehenge?” or “What is Stonehenge weight?”

Only those who do thorough research or writers receiving “write essay for me” requests may go deeper and study the technologies and tools used by the ancient engineers. So, let’s bust some myths around these facts and get Stonehenge explained:

  • There is overwhelming evidence that the site was a burial ground before the construction of Stonehenge.
  • Two types of stones were used in the structure. The largest ones, called sarsen, reached 30 feet in height and weighed up to 25 tons.
  • In the 12th century, Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote the mythical tale of King Arthur. According to this tale, the stones were transferred from Ireland to Wiltshire by a magician named Merlin.
  • The Easter Island Stonehenge is known for its stone statues shaped like human heads with a torso truncated at about waist level. These statues were made closer to the center of the island. Their height reaches 66 feet.

What relates them to Stonehenge in Britain is that no one knows what forgotten technology people used to deliver the large rocks to the coast. The local legend tells that the statues walked there. Recently, volunteer enthusiasts have found several ways to transport stone blocks, but how exactly the ancient tribes did it remains unknown.

Facts to know about the Egyptian pyramids construction

The majestic Egyptian pyramids have stood for thousands of years. These stone giants are the only of the Seven Wonders that have survived to this day. Many researchers, archeologists, and historians put questions like “How much does the great pyramid weigh?”, “How could people build them using just levers and ladders?”

Let’s see what curious facts present-day science has on Great Pyramids and get pyramids explained:

  1. They are made of heavy limestone blocks, bonded with mortar, cut out in the nearby quarries.
  2. They are made of heavy limestone blocks, bonded with mortar, cut out in the nearby quarries.
  3. They are made of heavy limestone blocks, bonded with mortar, cut out in the nearby quarries.
  4. They are made of heavy limestone blocks, bonded with mortar, cut out in the nearby quarries.

What relates them to Stonehenge in Britain is that no one knows what forgotten technology people used to deliver the large rocks to the coast. The local legend tells that the statues walked there. Recently, volunteer enthusiasts have found several ways to transport stone blocks, but how exactly the ancient tribes did it remains unknown.

What relates them to Stonehenge in Britain is that no one knows what forgotten technology people used to deliver the large rocks to the coast. The local legend tells that the statues walked there. Recently, volunteer enthusiasts have found several ways to transport stone blocks, but how exactly the ancient tribes did it remains unknown.

How physics can explain Stonehenge and the Pyramids?

When we need just a little information to rely on before doing something, we say: “give me a lever and I will move the world”. It’s pretty similar to the situation when a student googles ‘write my essay online’ and gives the writer some data on the topic. Then, a professional writer uses this metaphoric lever to ensure high-quality paper writing.

How Were the Blocks Lifted?

Physics can explain anything. Yet, even modern physicists query about the methods of the upper pyramid part’s installation. The most realistic model proposed is the construction of scaffolding in the form of a hut, inside which the pyramidion itself was suspended on a rope. By twisting the rope, the builders slightly raised the stone and substituted a stand under it. Then, they loosened the rope and raised the scaffolding a bit higher. In 1997, engineers experimented with the construction of a small pyramid for science documentaries. Its height was 6.1 meters, width – 9 meters, the total weight – 367.4 tons. Twenty-two days (or three weeks) were spent making the blocks with the help of 12 quarry workers. They used iron hammers, chisels, and levers, similar to the ancient ones. Using copper tools would require an additional 20 people for their sharpening. The installation was carried out using physics levers. Engineers determined that the two-ton blocks can be moved by 20 people using fulcrum physics and wooden runners sliding along the wooden flooring.

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Building Megaliths Can Also Be Explained Using Physics

The mystery is how ancient people could install and transport over a long distance such heavy boulders. Sarsens weigh up to 25 tons. Bluestones – up to 5 tons. True, this was hardly a great consolation for those who dragged them for hundreds of miles. Yet, physics in the face of gravity did help them along the way. A couple of years ago, physicists arranged a reenactment of how it would be possible to move the stones. It turned out that to drag a block of this size at a speed of about one mi/h on rolling logs, you need only ten people. The scientists who found pig bones around Stonehenge believe that builders used fat to lubricate the skids when transporting heavy stones. To lift and install the triliths, they used leverage physics. The experiments conducted by Wally Wallington prove this theory once and for all.

“give me a lever and I will move the world”

Jonathan Livingstone

The mystery is how ancient people could install and transport over a long distance such heavy boulders. Sarsens weigh up to 25 tons. Bluestones – up to 5 tons. True, this was hardly a great consolation for those who dragged them for hundreds of miles. Yet, physics in the face of gravity did help them along the way. A couple of years ago, physicists arranged a reenactment of how it would be possible to move the stones. It turned out that to drag a block of this size at a speed of about one mi/h on rolling logs, you need only ten people. The scientists who found pig bones around Stonehenge believe that builders used fat to lubricate the skids when transporting heavy stones. To lift and install the triliths, they used leverage physics. The experiments conducted by Wally Wallington prove this theory once and for all.

Forgotten technology: the story of one man

If you read some historical textbooks, it seems that there are only two options for building enormous stone structures – an infinite number of workers or the power of the Atlanteans. Wally Wallington, a man from Michigan, is a construction enthusiast. He is most famous for moving large rocks by hand.

The man moves huge stones using the forgotten technology. Once, he took the blocks that could be the constituent parts of the Pyramids and began to watch how to turn, raise, and twist them. He managed to do all those things using only counterweights, tiny rocks, and his physical strength.

  • There is overwhelming evidence that the site was a burial ground before the construction of Stonehenge.
  • Two types of stones were used in the structure. The largest ones, called sarsen, reached 30 feet in height and weighed up to 25 tons.
    • Two types of stones were used in the structure. The largest ones, called sarsen, reached 30 feet in height and weighed up to 25 tons.
    • Two types of stones were used in the structure. The largest ones, called sarsen, reached 30 feet in height and weighed up to 25 tons.
    • Two types of stones were used in the structure. The largest ones, called sarsen, reached 30 feet in height and weighed up to 25 tons.
  • In the 12th century, Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote the mythical tale of King Arthur. According to this tale, the stones were transferred from Ireland to Wiltshire by a magician named Merlin.
  • The Easter Island Stonehenge is known for its stone statues shaped like human heads with a torso truncated at about waist level. These statues were made closer to the center of the island. Their height reaches 66 feet.

Later Wallington decided to repeat the experiment on the Stonehenge-type concrete blocks and build a shady stone garden in his backyard.

He put tiny rocks under the boulders and used this system to lever them along to the place of installation. Then, he crafted a conveyor of rolling logs to lift the stones and place them like triliths of the British Stonehenge.

He wanted to know how to move heavy objects without modern tools. Along the way, he accidentally proved that it was ancient people who built Pyramids and Stonehenge, not Gods
or aliens.

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