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India set to meet growing global demand for skilled workers

Driven by a rising number of elderly citizens in developed countries, India is p …

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Poll Shows Strong Backing for Increased Trade Classes in Los Angeles High Schools

A recent study conducted among voters, parents, and students in Los Angeles Coun …

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Government Assistance Arrives: A Helping Hand in Times of Need

An Extract from Miguel Cardona’s best-selling autobiography, Reign of Confusion: …

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New study highlights tutoring as effective solution for pandemic learning loss

In the wake of the global health crisis, educational institutions nationwide are …

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New functional fabrics are being developed through programming

Inspired by her family, Lavender Tessmer explored various creative pursuits at a …

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Three Michigan State University Honors Students Awarded Goldwater Scholarship

David C. Heson Annamarie Thompson  Alyssa Williams  (Grace Cockrell photos) STAR …

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Interview with USC’s Morgan Polikoff reveals new poll data and insights into the ‘Purple Classroom’

A recent study carried out by a couple of researchers at the University of South …

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Oklahoma Supreme Court to Consider Religious Charter School Case with Church-State Implications

On a 60-acre homestead approximately 80 miles south of Oklahoma City, Craig and …

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Kinship Care Families in Kentucky Receive Game-Changing Legislation

Financial assistance is on the way for kinship care families in Kentucky who are …

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