AI Tools

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AI Tools
Scientists reveal the potential of bionic spinal cord implants

Bionic (adjective, “By-AHN-ick”) The term “bionic” is associated with technology …

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AI Tools
Feasibility of Building a Mecha: Could It Be Possible?

The character Optimus Prime from the popular series The Transformers transforms …

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AI Tools
AI Save Time and Reduce Workload in Writing IEPs

When discussing individualized education programs, or IEPs, with educators for s …

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AI Tools
Artificial intelligence aids in the creation of innovative battery design

As more devices rely on batteries for power, the search for innovative, safer, a …

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AI Tools
Study shows that marsupial gliders may avoid predators by staying off the ground

Bats, the only mammals capable of flight, set themselves apart from other mammal …

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AI Tools
AI Image Generators Improve World Language Instruction

Delivering immediate, actionable input poses a challenge in language learning en …

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AI Tools
Scientists find that carbon capture technology holds potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Carbon sequestration (noun, “KAR-bun se-kwis-TRAY-shun”) Carbon capture involves …

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AI Tools
High school scientists find inspiration from family, friends, and community

When tackling a science fair project, the support system around us, including fa …

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AI Tools
Educating CTE Students on AI’s Application in the Workplace

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly shaping the landscape of career and …

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