AI Tools

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AI Tools
DIY Project: Creating a Cost-Efficient Battery

Objective: Create a basic battery using different coins and investigate how the …

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AI Tools
AI Presence Unprecedented:; Now Ubiquitous yet Invisible

When discussing digital technology in education, the pace at which educators and …

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AI Tools
Utilizing Chatbots for Interactive Do Now Activities

There has been a lot of talk surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in the cur …

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AI Tools
Guide to Promoting Creative AI Usage among Students while Reducing Cheating Temptation

When ChatGPT made its debut to the public in late 2022, it stirred a significant …

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AI Tools
Scientists report that semiconductor innovation could revolutionize solar energy production

Semiconductor (noun, “SEH-mee-con-duck-tur”) A semiconductor is a ma …

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AI Tools
AI such as ChatGPT may struggle to achieve human-like understanding

If you inquire of ChatGPT about its human-like thinking capabilities, ChatGPT wi …

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AI Tools
Scientists find that digital footprints can reveal a lot about a person

Online presence(noun, “ON-LINE PREZ-ens”) Your online presence encom …

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AI Tools
Jailbreaks unveil the sinister side of chatbots

ChatGPT graciously asks, “How may I assist you today?” This chatbot …

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AI Tools
Creating Artificial Intelligence Systems with Positive Behavior

On a regular day in the Minecraft universe, a bot unexpectedly strolls into a vi …

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