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AI such as ChatGPT may struggle to achieve human-like understanding
Emma Wordsmith
If you inquire of ChatGPT about its human-like thinking capabilities, ChatGPT will assert that it does not think like a human. ChatGPT clarifies by stating, “I can process and understand language to a certain extent,” but emphasizes that “my understanding is based on patterns in data, [not] humanlike comprehension.”
Nevertheless, conversing with this artificial intelligence, known as AI, can sometimes have the feel of interacting with a human. A highly intelligent and skilled individual, to be precise. ChatGPT can readily provide answers to inquiries regarding mathematics or history and can do so in numerous languages. Moreover, it is capable of generating narratives and programming code. Similarly, other “generative” AI models can create artwork and videos from the ground up.
Let’s delve into the realm of artificial intelligence
“These entities appear incredibly intelligent,” remarked Melanie Mitchell, a computer scientist at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico. She delivered a speech at the annual assembly of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which took place in February in Denver, Colorado.
The growing sophistication of AI has sparked concerns among many. There is apprehension that generative AI might displace human workers or potentially pose a threat to global dominance. However, Mitchell and other experts believe that such fears are largely exaggerated, at least for now.
The crux of the issue, support the experts, aligns with what ChatGPT articulates. The most advanced AI systems today still lack genuine comprehension akin to that of a human. This inherent limitation imposes boundaries on their capabilities.
Historical concerns surrounding AI
For decades, there has been unease regarding the perceived exceptional intelligence of machines. This apprehension has origins dating back to at least 1997 when the computer Deep Blue outplayed world chess champion Garry Kasparov.
Despite this victory, it was evident at the time that AI struggled significantly in several areas where humans excelled. While a computer could excel at chess, it paled in comparison when it came to tasks like disease diagnosis or speech transcription, signifying human superiority in key domains.