Cal Poly Humboldt President Tom Jackson Jr. to resign from position

Tom Jackson Jr., the President of Cal Poly Humboldt, has announced his resignation effective August 11th amid student demands for him to step down following the university’s response to pro-Palestinian protests on campus that led to the deployment of police.

During the spring semester, student-led demonstrations across various campuses, including Humboldt, called for an end to Israel’s military actions in Gaza. President Jackson came under fire for utilizing law enforcement to quell the protests and closing down the campus towards the end of the semester.

Despite the controversies of the spring, Jackson’s five-year tenure at Humboldt was marked by significant transformations, elevating the university to the state’s third polytechnic institution. Under his leadership, Humboldt expanded its laboratory facilities, improved technology infrastructure, renovated campus buildings, and introduced new STEM-focused majors, thanks to a $458 million state investment.

The transition to a polytechnic institution resulted in a surge in new student applications and improved the university’s financial outlook, in contrast to other campuses experiencing declining enrollments.

In a written statement, President Jackson praised the university and its community, emphasizing the positive impact their work has on students.

Cal Poly Humboldt announced that Jackson has been working with the CSU Chancellor’s Office since the early spring semester to ensure a smooth and orderly transition.

The spring events represented a turning point for Jackson’s presidency, as protests escalated and led to the occupation of Siemens Hall by hundreds of students in support of severing financial ties with Israel.

The university responded by involving law enforcement to disperse the protesters from the building. According to reports, 32 individuals were arrested during the incident.

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