Biden-Harris Administration Launches National Recognition Program for Institutions Boosting Economic Mobility

U.S. Education Department Secretary Miguel Cardona is set to unveil a Request for Information (RFI) at the Attaining College Excellence and Equity Summit. The RFI will lay the groundwork for a new Postsecondary Student Success Recognition Program that will recognize higher education institutions supporting students to earn affordable credentials that set them up for success. The public can provide input on the new program within a 30-day window.

The Summit is a key part of the Department’s Raise the Bar initiative, aimed at boosting postsecondary completion rates, narrowing completion gaps, and ensuring all students obtain valuable credentials. The event will focus on holistic student support strategies, including holistic advising and wraparound services. Over 200 leaders will attend to discuss enhancing student success, integrating support services, and guiding students toward successful careers post-graduation. More details about the summit are available here.

Secretary Miguel Cardona highlighted the envisioned impact of the award, emphasizing a shift toward recognizing schools that uplift students rather than focusing on exclusivity. The program seeks to prioritize access and equity, ultimately steering institutions toward tangible, positive outcomes for students and communities.

The Department seeks input from the education field to assess institutions’ efforts in promoting student success and economic mobility. Feedback is requested on eligibility metrics, data-driven strategies, sustained commitment to student support, and the evaluation of success and mobility initiatives. The program aims to redefine student success by fostering inclusive education, supporting underserved populations, and guiding students toward career pathways that enhance their economic prospects.

The Biden-Harris Administration has consistently championed a vision of college excellence that fosters economic mobility, fortifies the middle class, and bolsters America’s global competitiveness.

Later this year, the Department will unveil an application for eligible institutions to provide comprehensive data on their data-driven practices in fostering student success, particularly for underrepresented students. The program’s award recipients are expected to be announced in early 2025.

For details on the RFI and submitting comments, visit this link.

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