Artificial Intelligence Sparks Real Anxiety

Within a little over a year, openly accessible AI technology has progressed from generating partially correct and slightly awkward text to producing original artistic images, generating flawless computer code, and even passing an MBA exam at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. If a user-friendly computer assistant like ChatGPT can already accomplish all of these tasks, AI appears to be on the verge of revolutionizing traditional work practices and hiring patterns, even in knowledge-based jobs.

There are indications that high school and college students worldwide are concerned about AI and its uncertain future. While educators worry about plagiarism, cheating, and how to utilize AI to enhance instruction, students are grappling with more fundamental questions about the relevance of their learning and its applicability. They observe the rapidly changing world and wonder if their coursework adequately prepares them for the workplaces of tomorrow.

“We’ve noticed an increase in student anxiety. We all have moments in school when we think, ‘When will we ever use this?’,” said Keeanna Warren, CEO of the Purdue Polytechnic High School network. “Now, with ChatGPT, students are questioning everything. ‘You’re teaching me to write an essay? When will I ever use this? You’re teaching me to make

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