AI Utilized to Assist Students with SAT Preparation

Preparing students for the SAT can be a challenging endeavor. While incorporating practice test-taking skills can yield positive results, the process of selecting texts, creating SAT-aligned questions, and grading can require a significant amount of time. Additionally, devoting class time to test preparation may detract from the overall curriculum.

These obstacles often lead teachers to forgo SAT preparation, despite the test’s impact on students’ future opportunities. However, AI tools now empower all teachers to equip students with the necessary skills for success on college entrance exams, alleviating stress and streamlining the process.

In today’s digital age, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) tools into the classroom can greatly enhance SAT preparation for both teachers and students. Platforms like and ChatGPT offer educators a wide range of materials. Combined with tools like the Form Builder extension for Google Docs, teachers can quickly generate SAT-style reading questions from any text, effectively assessing students’ comprehension skills.

These tools not only save time and provide valuable data but also ensure that the selected texts align with the curriculum and students’ current reality.

Utilizing the Tools

The first step in creating test-preparation materials is selecting a text, which can be easily accomplished with the help of AI. Teachers can use texts already included in their curriculum, as SAT-style questions can be generated for any text that can be copied into or a similar AI software. Furthermore, AI technology allows teachers to create custom nonfiction texts tailored to their classes through tools like Academic Content Generator offered by By inputting grade level, length, topic, and content type (news article, textbook page, short narrative), teachers can generate useful and relevant nonfiction texts.

Once a text is selected, AI tools can be used to generate exam-style reading questions and assignment prompts based on students’ individual needs and proficiency levels. Teachers simply need to copy the text into the AI tool of their choice, such as’s SAT Reading Question tool. Many commonly used texts are already recognized by the AI, enabling the creation of SAT-style questions for texts like The Crucible, Dracula, Frankenstein, and To Kill a Mockingbird by specifying the title and chapter number.

The integration of the Google Docs Form Builder extension offers added convenience by allowing teachers to convert the AI-generated reading questions into a Google Form. Simply copy the AI-generated questions into a Google Doc, and with a click of the mouse, Form Builder converts them into a Google Form. These forms can provide automatic graded feedback using an answer key, and teachers can employ preprogrammed prompts to redirect students when they answer incorrectly, utilizing content provided by the instructor.

This eliminates the need for manual grading and provides students with immediate feedback, enhancing the efficiency of the learning process. Students can take responsibility for their own learning by asking specific questions to improve their understanding, while teachers can identify areas that require additional instruction.

Additional support tools like Quetab, Yippity, and Curipod offer features such as flashcards, quizzes, and interactive classroom slide decks, further enhancing the overall learning experience and helping students reinforce their knowledge and skills.

When utilizing AI tools to create materials, it is essential to review the content for accuracy. However, the time saved in the overall process makes it easy to perform a quick accuracy check.

Implementing AI-Generated Test Prep in the Classroom

Once a text is selected and SAT-style questions are generated, teachers can employ several methods to incorporate these materials into their classes and support student success.

First, test preparation can become a daily bell-ringer task before diving into the regular course instruction. Using the selected text provides context for the lesson taught during the class.

Second, SAT-style reading questions can be used alongside subject-specific questions following a reading task. For example, in a psychology course, students can read and respond to questions about principles of psychology alongside SAT-style questions covering the same text.

Third, students can be challenged to surpass the AI by analyzing and rewriting SAT-style reading questions for a given text. This exercise encourages students to improve the questions and enhance their understanding of the SAT skills being assessed.

Finally, SAT-style question sets can be offered as supplemental tasks for students seeking additional exam preparation or for those who have completed their regular learning tasks.

While the technology is best utilized within core classes covered by the exam, has also been used in Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) courses. Kitchen math problems, texts, and other standards-based concepts have been transformed into an SAT-style format. These materials are used in problem trails, tests, and quizzes to reinforce math and English standards while supporting FACS skills. With the Google Docs Form Builder extension, quiz questions can be converted into self-grading Google Forms, providing quick and accurate data for personalized reteaching.

This approach allows students to apply their knowledge in real-life scenarios similar to standardized tests. Utilizing assessment data to personalize content based on individual knowledge, skills, and experiences enhances engagement and enables deeper exploration of the subject matter. The use of AI tools in SAT preparation revolutionizes the learning experience and student engagement.

By embracing these technological advancements, teachers can provide a comprehensive and interactive learning experience that prepares students for college and their future careers. Incorporating AI in the classroom not only enhances SAT preparation but also equips students with valuable digital literacy skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.

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