Harris Chooses Tim Walz as Running Mate, Potential VP Would be First K-12 Teacher Since Lyndon Johnson

This post is part of The 74’s coverage of EDlection 2024, focusing on candidates’ education policies and their potential impact on the American education system following the 2024 election.

Kamala Harris’ new running mate is a progressive governor from the Midwest who resonates with veterans, hunters, and football enthusiasts. If elected, he would become the first K-12 educator since Lyndon Johnson to hold the vice presidency, with the strongest ties to public schools among recent candidates.

Tim Walz, the Governor of Minnesota, previously worked as a high school teacher and football coach. He implemented a program offering free college tuition and expanded free school meal initiatives across the state. At 60 years old and currently in his second term as governor, Walz’s left-leaning affiliations could potentially hinder the ticket’s appeal in a closely contested presidential race, as per observers.

Earlier this year, Walz gained prominence by leading the Democrats’ shift in characterizing Republicans as “weird,” implying that they focus on culture war issues rather than addressing substantive matters that concern Americans.

“Who’s sitting in a bar in Racine, Wisconsin, saying, ‘You know what we really need? We need to ban “Animal Farm.”’ Nobody is!” Walz stated in an interview with MSNBC.

He has presented an education agenda supported by unions, having signed a nearly $72 billion state budget last year with considerable funding increases for Minnesota’s public schools. Additionally, Walz signed a new $1,750-per-child tax credit aimed at reducing child poverty.

Walz implemented free college tuition for families earning under $80,000 annually in Minnesota. Analysts estimate the program will cost the state approximately $117 million in fiscal year 2025 and $49.5 million annually thereafter.

Despite having a $17.5 billion budget surplus last year, many school districts in Minnesota were facing significant cuts due to the conclusion of COVID recovery aid and decreases in enrollment.

Hess called Walz’s selection “an odd choice” in a race where Harris already enjoys the backing of teachers’ unions but seeks to garner support from independents and conservatives. Walz’s progressive stance could pose a challenge in appealing to these constituencies.

Hess suggested that Harris may have chosen Walz to build rapport with the left, affording her more flexibility to move towards the center on certain issues, as the left perceives Walz as one of their own.

Walz’s transformation on gun safety from having an “A” rating from the NRA in 2016 to supporting an assault weapons ban after the 2018 Parkland shooting reflects a significant policy evolution influenced by personal experiences and public demand for action.

Stewart argued that categorizing Walz based on conventional political labels is inaccurate, emphasizing Minnesota’s moderate tendencies despite being perceived as a progressive state. Walz’s success in a narrowly divided state legislature highlights his ability to navigate political complexities effectively.

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