Connecticut Senator Murphy Proposes $4B Investment to Expand Free Summer Camps for Children

U.S. Sen Chris Murphy stopped by Camp Courant on Friday to reveal a newly proposed federal bill that aims to allocate billions of dollars toward free summer programs for kids nationwide.

The Hartford camp, known as the largest and most longstanding free summer day camp in the country, caters to hundreds of children annually. If the Summer for All Act gets approved, it could potentially benefit Camp Courant along with others.

The legislation suggests the establishment of two grant programs funded by $4 billion in federal funds spread over four years.

Should the bill pass, Connecticut may receive approximately $10 million in annual funding from this initiative.

“The bill will establish two different grant programs, one directly assisting camps by providing them with funding to increase slots for low-income families,” said Murphy. “The second grant will be allotted to states, allowing them to utilize the funds as they deem necessary.”

Describing the bill as “absolutely crucial,” Murphy emphasized the importance of such measures post-COVID-19 pandemic, where schools faced significant challenges in terms of learning loss, mental health issues, and disruptions to social interactions.

“Outdoor experiences, adventures, and summer activities play a crucial role in enhancing socialization skills and opening up new possibilities and interests,” stated Murphy. “It’s a critical time for children and parents, and ensuring continued access to learning and socialization during summer is imperative.”

Governor Ned Lamont accompanied Murphy during the press briefing, engaging with a group of Camp Courant children and inquiring whether they cherished their camp and believed “such camps should be accessible to all.”

The children enthusiastically affirmed with cheers and nods.

“Senator Murphy adeptly brings forth the finest ideas from Connecticut, be it in gun safety or summer learning camps, and strives to make them accessible not only statewide but potentially nationwide,” expressed Lamont.

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