Michigan Offers Tuition-Free Community College, Joins List of States

Michigan recently announced a program that will offer tuition-free community college to recent high school graduates. Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed this education budget plan, paving the way for the state to cover tuition costs for associate degrees and skilled certificates at community colleges starting in the Fall.

“In Michigan, we want every single person to be able to get onto the path that is best for them,” Whitmer stated, according to the Detroit Free Press.

The Whitmer administration estimates that over 18,000 students will benefit from this program, saving up to $4,800 per student annually.

At least 30 states, including Michigan, now provide some form of free community college. Eligibility for Michigan’s program requires full-time enrollment in college and completion of the federal student aid form, without consideration of household income.

The list of states offering tuition-free community college includes:

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer talks with members of the senate before delivering her budget presentation before a joint session of the state House and Senate appropriations committees at the Heritage Hall in Lansing on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Whitmer discussed her funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and how she plans to pay for her proposals which are likely to include expanding state-funded preschool to all four year-olds, free community college, a vehicle tax rebate and a caregiver tax credit.

States covering community college tuition costs

Over 30 states now offer tuition-free community college programs, allowing students to pursue higher education, earn certificates, or develop skilled trades without incurring debt.

Colorado, Minnesota, and New Hampshire are the latest states to adopt free community college programs, as reported by BestColleges. Michigan, Minnesota, and New Hampshire will start their programs this fall, while Colorado’s program is set to begin in 2025.

Graphics explain: How are college costs accumulating today, and what is the increase in tuition rates?

While ‘promise programs’ such as free community college significantly reduce costs, they usually do not cover additional expenses like room and board, transportation, or book fees.

Eligibility criteria for these programs vary by state and may include graduating from an in-state high school, enrolling full-time, academic performance, or financial need, as reported by Bankrate.

Michigan state officials highlight that funding for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship will enable every recent high school graduate to pursue an associate degree or skilled certificate at a community college for free. Michigan’s community college guarantee program is accessible to the majority of students.

Challenges in tuition payment for students

As the upcoming academic year’s tuition bills arrive, only 4% of Gen Z students report being fully funded for the entire school year, according to USA TODAY.

Experts note a substantial increase in college costs over the past few decades, surpassing both inflation and wage growth.

Since 1998, the cost of a college education has soared by 188%, outpacing the rise in hourly wages, states Research.com. Meanwhile, wages increased by 26% during the same period.

A recent survey by ScholarshipOwl shows that 90% of college-bound Gen Z students remain unsure about how they will finance their education, with a fifth of them needing over $20,000 to cover the year’s tuition.

Outcomes of states offering free community college

The average cost of an undergraduate degree ranges from $25,707 to more than $218,000, depending on where a student lives and the type of institution attended, according to the Education Data Initiative.

Many students resort to loans to afford higher education, impacting their future career choices and opportunities post-graduation.

Research by the Federal Trade Commission reveals that free community college initiatives increase enrollment by 26% and degree completions by 20%.

Early data from the Tennessee Promise Program, the first free community college program in the U.S., indicates a rise in community college enrollment and persistence among students, according to the Tennessee Comptroller’s evaluation.

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