Kansas State Board of Education to Review Restrictions on Cellphone Use in Classrooms

In TOPEKA, the Kansas State Board of Education is set to finalize the structure of a 30-member task force in August. The task force’s primary objective is to formulate policy suggestions regarding the non-academic utilization of cell phones by students from prekindergarten to 12th grade while in school.

Authorities in both public and private school systems nationwide are implementing restrictions or prohibitions on smartphones within classrooms to diminish distractions from academic responsibilities and reduce students’ stress and anxiety levels. While some schools bar access to phones entirely during the day, others impose restrictions on phone usage during class time.

According to Melanie Haas, the chair of the state Board of Education from Overland Park, addressing the excessive use of personal devices by children during instructional periods requires a united effort. Haas emphasized the importance of parents and elected officials guiding children to use technology and social media in safer and more productive ways.

Randy Watson, the state commissioner of education, was tasked with assembling a task force comprising at least two state school board members, students, teachers, administrators, and other education stakeholders. Watson proposed that the task force be co-chaired by a student and a principal.

The state Board of Education is expected to request the task force to establish a framework for state policies or guidance for school districts to confront the issue at hand. The board members intend to set limits for the task force during their August session, with the final report due by late 2024.

Watson emphasized the urgency for the task force to present its recommendations to the board no later than November or December, aiming to address not only students’ use of digital devices for non-academic purposes in classrooms but also the impact of social media on children’s mental well-being.

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