California Teachers Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Paper Grading: Who is Evaluating the AI?

There is a growing trend in California where children may have their writing assessed by software instead of teachers.

Artificial intelligence tools are increasingly being utilized by California school districts, from automated grading in San Diego to chatbots in central California, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area.

English teachers believe that AI tools can accelerate paper grading, provide more feedback to students, and enhance their learning experience, although there are inconsistencies in guidelines and adoption.

The California Department of Education lacks the ability to track which schools utilize AI or the associated costs, according to Katherine Goyette, California Department of Education’s computer science coordinator.

While chatbots are prevalent in schools, more California teachers are employing AI tools for grading student work, aligning with surveys that indicate teachers use AI as frequently or more than students.

Teachers leverage AI for personalized reading materials, lesson planning, and other tasks to save time and prevent burnout as per a report issued following an AI executive order by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

California has released guidance for educators on AI use, emphasizing critical evaluation of AI-generated content and discussions on ethical AI application in classrooms.

Senate Bill 1288 is pending in the California Legislature, proposing an AI working group to provide additional guidance for school districts on safe AI use.

Tracking AI tools adopted by school districts and their enforcement policies is a challenge, highlighting the need for teacher training and community involvement in AI decision-making.

In the era of AI, it is essential to remember that technology serves as a tool, emphasizing the importance of educating teachers on responsible AI usage to benefit student learning.

AI Transforms English Paper Grading for Teachers

Jen Roberts, an English teacher at Point Loma High School, embraced Writable, an AI tool for grading assignments, resulting in a significant improvement in student writing skills.

Roberts acknowledged Writable’s efficiency in providing feedback but highlighted occasional discrepancies in grading for both high and low-performing students.

Alex Rainey, an English teacher at Chico Country Day School, employed the GPT-4 language model for grading and feedback, enhancing student writing assessment and creativity.

AI tools like Writable and GPT-4 save teachers time in grading and encourage more writing assignments, leading to better student writers.

Cost Implications of AI Adoption in Education

Contracts for AI tools in education can be financially rewarding, as seen in Los Angeles Unified School District’s $6.2 million deal for an AI chatbot named Ed and other AI tools in various districts.

While AI tools like Quill are used extensively, their prices vary, raising concerns about the affordability and responsible usage of AI in educational settings.

Regulatory bodies assess AI’s high-risk nature in decision-making processes, such as grading, emphasizing the need for cautious AI integration in education.

Guidelines are being developed to ensure educators use AI to augment human decision-making, emphasizing ethical AI utilization in classrooms.

State Guidelines and Ethical Considerations

California’s guidelines on AI usage encourage educators to save time on routine tasks and focus on building relationships with students, highlighting AI’s role as a supportive tool.

Education initiatives aim to balance AI accuracy with time savings, emphasizing responsible AI adoption in school districts.

AI grading tools must be used judiciously to avoid automation bias or over-reliance, reinforcing the importance of critical analysis in AI-assisted education.

Educators and regulators advocate for ethical AI implementation in classrooms, promoting discussions on responsible AI use and its implications on student learning.

Exploring AI in Education Practices

Teachers like Jen Roberts emphasize the benefits of AI for grading and feedback, citing improved student outcomes and reduced workload, ultimately benefiting student growth.

AI assessments provide timely feedback and encourage more writing assignments, enhancing student writing skills and teacher efficiency.

Despite concerns, educators view AI as a valuable educational tool, emphasizing its role in enhancing student learning and teacher productivity.

Embracing AI integration in education requires careful consideration of ethical implications and responsible AI usage to ensure student success and teacher support.

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