Gen Z Students Receive Disappointing Grades on End of Year Report Card

Young individuals from Generation Z have expressed dissatisfaction with their school’s performance in terms of skills-based learning and career-oriented curriculum, indicating a shift towards a stronger focus on education with practical applications.

The latest “end of year report card” compiled by Gallup in collaboration with the Walton Family Foundation involved a survey of over 2,000 students in grades 5 to 12. They collectively assigned their schools an overall grade of “B-,” consistent with the rating from the previous year.

However, students aged 12 to 19 differed in their assessments, influenced by their household income. Students from lower-income backgrounds rated their schools with a “B-,” while those from higher-income families gave a “B” grade.

According to Stephanie Marken, a senior partner at Gallup focusing on U.S. research, the students’ “neutral” responses raise concerns, especially among those from lower-income households who may lack the necessary support to excel academically.

Marken expressed her worry, saying, “At a time when educational experiences should be exceptional, students consistently deliver neutral evaluations on critical criteria for success.”

The breakdown of students’ evaluations for this year is as follows:

End of Year Report Card:2024 vs 2023
2024 2023 Notes Average Overall Grade B- B- In 2024, approximately 25% of students awarded their schools an “A,” while 36% gave a “C” or below. Teaching Relevant Skills C+ N/A In 2024, 20% of students assigned a “D” or lower for this category. In 2023, 39% gave their schools a “C” or lower. Career Preparedness C+ N/A In 2024, 10% of students rated their schools an “F,” with 24% grading a “D” or below.

In 2023, 19% of students gave their school an “A” for adapting to their learning needs, 27% for technology usage, and 17% for career guidance. Excited About Learning C+ N/A In 2024, there were more “D” and “F” ratings compared to “A” scores.
In 2023, 13% of students awarded an “A,” with 52% giving a “C” or worse.

End of Year Report Card: Lower Income vs Higher Income Students
Lower Income Students Higher Income Students Average Overall Grade B- B Percent of Students Who Gave Their School an “A” Grade 20% 31%

The 74

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