Evers Calls for Independent Audit of Milwaukee Public Schools

Governor Tony Evers initiated the next phase of commencing further audits of Milwaukee Public Schools on Monday by releasing a service request to carry out an independent operational audit of the district and initiating a waiver to expedite the hiring process for an auditor to conduct an independent instructional audit.

The requests come amidst the state’s leading school district grappling with repercussions for being tardy by several months in submitting mandatory financial documentation to DPI. In the past week, the district submitted and endorsed a corrective action strategy to remedy the delay in submitting the financial documents and rectify the underlying causes.

Evers reaffirmed last week his commitment to conduct operational and instructional audits alongside the ongoing financial audit. In a statement on Monday, he emphasized the urgency of commencing the audits promptly to accurately pinpoint the extent of the issues and pave the way for proactive discussions on solutions.

Evers stressed the “critical” need for Milwaukee Public Schools to collaborate with the state Department of Public Instruction throughout the ongoing financial audit.

“I am eager for these audits to kick off so we can provide assistance to students, families, educators in MPS, and the broader community,” Evers stated.

As per the operational audit request, the audit will encompass a scrutiny of compliance and reporting mechanisms, financial oversight, an evaluation of the district’s human resources protocols, and the identification of opportunities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the central office.

The Evers administration will accept responses to the operational audit request until June 24.

The instructional audit is mandated to offer the state government, MPS, and the public with insights, guidance, and suggestions on various aspects, including fostering conducive learning environments for students, supporting educators and staff, and executing curriculum and instruction best practices.

Milwaukee Board President Marva Herndon expressed gratitude in a statement for Evers’ backing.

“We are equally devoted to pinpointing the core issues behind the district’s challenges for future resolutions,” Herndon affirmed.

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