Canada Teen Develops AI-Powered App for Postpartum Depression Treatment

VIEW: Canadian Teen Develops Innovative Solution for Postpartum Depression Using AI and an Application

Shanzeh Haji is creating an application to assist new mothers in monitoring their postpartum experiences, enabling them to coordinate treatment with their healthcare providers.

By Jim Fields
April 18, 2024

During a volunteer trip to a girls’ orphanage in Sri Lanka at the age of 16, Shanzeh Haji encountered a poignant story of a girl orphaned due to her mother’s postpartum psychosis, igniting a deep interest in addressing the issue. Haji engaged in conversations with new mothers, including her own, who had faced postpartum depression.

“Recognizing the immense magnitude of the problem and my personal connection to it,” shared the Bayview Secondary School student from Ontario, Canada.

In response to her findings, Shanzeh is currently developing BeBella, a postpartum application aimed at aiding new mothers in navigating their postpartum phases.

New mothers will be able to monitor various aspects of their postpartum well-being, including water intake and sleep patterns, and leverage artificial intelligence to craft personalized care plans.

Additionally, mothers can journal their emotions and experiences through the app.

Shanzeh emphasized the wide-reaching impact of postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis on millions of mothers globally, stating that the incorporation of AI in the app can enhance and facilitate the coordination of their healthcare journeys with medical professionals.

“Given this widespread issue,” she remarked, “I am confident that the app holds significant potential to revolutionize and improve the lives of these individuals.”

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