“Debate over Reintroducing SATs and ACTs in Colleges and Universities”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the ability of students to take SATs and ACTs was severely disrupted. Consequently, colleges and universities, such as the University of California and California State University systems, made standardized tests optional or eliminated the requirement for admissions. Dartmouth has now taken the lead in requiring either SATs or ACTs for fall 2024 applicants. Subsequently, several other universities, including Harvard, are also moving in this direction.

Prior to the pandemic, concerns about equity were often cited as reasons for not requiring these tests; both the UC and Cal State systems have maintained their stance on remaining SAT- and ACT-free.

To gauge university students’ opinions on the potential resurgence of standardized testing, EdSource’s California Student Journalism Corps posed the following questions at seven California colleges and universities:

“While UC and Cal State have said there are no plans to change their test-free policy, in place since 2020, do you think standardized tests such as these should return? Why or why not?”

Here are their responses.

(Click on the names or images below to read what each person had to say.)

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