MSU’s Horticulture Club prepares for its annual plant sale next week

STARKVILLE, Miss.—The annual spring plant sale hosted by the MSU Horticulture Club is back. Mississippi State students have been nurturing a stunning collection of annuals and perennials available for purchase at the Dorman Hall greenhouses on April 5 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) and April 6 (8 a.m.-1 p.m.).

Madelyn Gresham, a senior horticulture major hailing from Chicago, leads the club as its president. The sale will feature popular spring flowers like petunias, coleus, geraniums, and more, alongside a variety of perennials, herbs, and vegetables.

Gresham highlighted the dedicated work put in by the club’s greenhouse managers to ensure a successful weekend sale.

A variety of plants at the MSU Dorman Hall greenhouses
A display of plants ready for the MSU Horticulture Club’s annual spring plant sale. (Photo submitted)

“They analyze past sales data and current market trends to meet consumer demands. The team handles plant ordering, cultivation, fertilization, and watering schedules,” she explained.

Wesley Rainey, a greenhouse student manager from Hattiesburg specializing in horticulture with a focus on fruit and vegetable production and food science, highlighted the collaborative effort behind the sale.

“Our house plant selection, developed through vigorous propagation, will be showcased. Club members actively participate in planting, watering, seeding, and propagation tasks. We also ensure plant health through regular monitoring and necessary treatments,” he stated.   

The proceeds from the sale contribute to the club’s initiatives, future sales, and greenhouse upkeep. Payments can be made using cash, check, or Venmo.

The club holds biweekly meetings and encourages new members to join in. For those keen on joining the MSU Horticulture Club or seeking more sale information, reach out to Madelyn Gresham at or Horticulture Professor and Club Advisor Richard Harkess at

Find out more about the horticulture program offered within MSU’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at

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