The Failure of Standardized Testing in Education Policymaking

As we enter another round of standardized testing, the usual mix of stress for administrators, turmoil for teachers, and disaffection for students arises. In high schools particularly, these assessments often serve as a measure of student detachment and boredom alongside academic prowess.

These tests have long been a cornerstone of educational policy, yet a significant flaw lies in the excessive focus on just two subjects, sometimes overshadowing all others.

While I acknowledge the critical role of math and English (the subject I teach), proficiency in literacy and numeracy is essential for survival and professional advancement in various fields.

However, why do subjects like science, history, government, economics, foreign languages, and the arts not receive equal emphasis, considering their importance for students’ long-term success and the overall well-being of society?

Advocating for More Learning and Less Testing

In a globally connected world, shouldn’t we prioritize equipping our children with multilingual abilities? While we effectively assist foreign students in learning English, we fall short in helping U.S.-born students achieve fluency in other languages.

Despite a significant initiative to enhance STEM education in schools, science education has garnered increased support. However, a segment of the population still holds misconceptions such as the belief in a flat Earth and skepticism towards climate change.

Amid threats to democracy and widespread civic ignorance, neglecting social studies education poses significant risks.

Given the current teenage mental health crisis, promoting arts education could prove beneficial.

Debunking the Myth:Are standardized tests really discriminatory? Persisting in the use of SAT and ACT in college admissions may not be as biased as claimed by some critics.

One might question whether policymakers fully grasp the implications of these standardized tests and their impact on resource allocation within schools, particularly for subjects not covered by assessments.

Referred to as “data-driven” decision-making, this approach often emphasizes high-stakes testing outcomes. Without a hint of subversion, educators risk losing the essence of teaching and learning to a relentless focus on improving math and English test scores.

While countless educators nationwide excel in teaching a myriad of subjects beyond math and English, they often persist in their efforts despite the prevailing cynicism and misplaced emphasis on these core subjects.

Beginning in March 2024, the SAT transitions to a digital format, eliminating the traditional paper-and-pencil option aside from specific accommodations for students with documented challenges.

While I do not propose inundating students with additional standardized tests covering every subject, a reconsideration of our approach to measuring student learning, teacher effectiveness, and school performance is imperative. Daily measurements utilizing accessible technologies present a viable alternative to the current testing regime.

With most schools adopting online submission platforms for student work, incorporating random external evaluation to gauge progress could offer a more holistic assessment approach. Applying principles akin to political polling in assessing students, teachers, and schools, though imperfect, stands as an improvement over the prevailing system.

Shaping Educational Priorities:The pervasive emphasis on standardized testing has diminished the essence of learning. Let’s shift our focus away from test scores.

Cultivating a Lifelong Learning Mindset

Beginning from my classroom, evaluators should analyze my students’ work and how they demonstrate learning. This should pave the way for constructive dialogue rather than relying on often inaccurate numerical assessments.

How did we adopt a system rooted in suspicion and distrust towards educators’ competence and dedication, along with the administrators supporting them?

The College Conundrum:Reassessing the efficacy of ‘objective’ assessments in my classroom and the impact on students.

What if we started with the premise that each student harbors an innate desire to learn and succeed? This acknowledges teachers’ unwavering commitment to student growth and fosters genuine interest in classroom dynamics. Let’s dismantle the hierarchy of academic disciplines and recognize the value in all subjects.

Larry Strauss has been a dedicated high school English teacher in South Los Angeles since 1992.

Education transcends subjects; it’s a continuous learning process that begets further curiosity.

While we can’t impart all knowledge to our students, instilling a love for learning, critical thinking skills, and the capacity to discern reliable evidence equips them for personal success and societal resilience.

This aspiration persists despite the challenges we’ve inadvertently set before them.

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