4th Grade Student Discusses Pi Day, #DressforSTEM Campaign, and National Potato Chip Day

Most of us recall the mathematical constant Pi as 3.14 from our school days, with a string of other digits following. This explains why many enthusiasts fondly remember their geography classes on March 14 and enjoy a chuckle from the latest Google Doodle.

Did you know the true significance of Pi? What exactly does this numerical symbol represent?

Moreover, are you familiar with #DressforSTEM Day that also takes place on March 14?

Not aware of it? Allow fourth-grader Ada to enlighten you on everything you need to understand:

Highlighting STEM Prodigies: On Pi Day, here are five remarkable teenagers making strides in STEM:

Furthermore, in observance of Women’s History Month, Trinity Alicia from The 74 delves into the ongoing impact of women in STEM and how a hashtag is catalyzing the dialog about female representation in the STEM sector:

While Ada comprehends the essence of Pi, how well-versed are adults in this mathematical concept? Jim Fields from The 74 asked the folks in Philadelphia to find out — and the outcome is quite entertaining:

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