First-year MIT students benefit from hands-on research experience within a supportive peer community

When MIT’s Independent Activities Period (IAP) occurred this January, first-year students with an interest in civil and environmental engineering (CEE) took part in a four-week undergraduate research program known as the mini-UROP (1.097). The mini-UROP pairs first-year students with a CEE graduate student or postdoc mentor over six units, offering a glimpse into the interdisciplinary research conducted within the department. Eight labs within the department welcomed the 2024 cohort, fostering collaborative efforts with current students and nurturing a community centered on their shared interests.

“The mini-UROP serves as an avenue for first-year students to delve into the diverse climate and sustainability research within our department,” highlights CEE department head and JR East Professor Ali Jadbabaie. “Providing hands-on experiences in a supportive educational setting is pivotal to our mission of equipping students with the necessary skills to positively influence society’s future and the planet.”

Mentoring is a crucial aspect of the mini-UROP, benefiting the graduate students and postdocs who take on these roles. Guiding students through successful mini-UROP projects necessitates mentor involvement and the refinement of leadership and teaching abilities by graduate students and postdocs.

“Mentoring undergraduate students is always of interest to me and having assistance with my project was valuable,” expresses postdoc and mentor Yue Hu. “Participating in this project energized me as it indicated undergraduates’ interest in my research.”

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