Feeding the body, mind, and soul

During his middle school years, Branden Spitzer developed a passion for watching cooking shows and experimenting with recipes in his family’s kitchen. This early love for cooking served as a precursor to his interest in materials science, a field he now believes is closely connected to food and everyday products.

“Our relationship with food, clothing, and the products we interact with daily is profound,” explains MIT senior Spitzer. “I aspire to enhance these experiences through the application of science and engineering.”

Majoring in materials science and engineering at MIT, Spitzer diversified his academic journey by enrolling in food science classes at Harvard University. He engaged in various research projects focused on food and sustainability, from extending the shelf life of produce to exploring the development of lab-grown meat.

For Spitzer, food serves not only as a personal passion but also as a source of social connection. He enjoys dining out with friends, designing meals, and sharing his creations with others. “Cooking and baking allow me to share something delicious with others,” he notes. “I want my future work or research to have a tangible impact, just like food does.”

A Broad Spectrum of Opportunities

Upon commencing his MIT journey, Spitzer encountered a plethora of activities and opportunities at the Institute. Embracing the vibrant student culture, he initially felt overwhelmed but was advised to “ride the wave” by his advisor. This advice propelled him to explore diverse academic and extracurricular paths throughout his undergraduate years.

Spitzer pursued research endeavors focusing on food innovation and sustainable practices. From collaborating with food tech start-ups to researching 3D printing applications with mycelium, his academic pursuits were varied and impactful. He interned abroad, engaged with local communities at MIT, and broadened his horizons through travel and study experiences.

Culinary and Sporting Adventures

In addition to his academic pursuits, Spitzer discovered a passion for various physical activities at MIT. Sailing became a favored pastime, reflecting his enthusiasm for adventurous pursuits. Pursuing the MIT Pirate Certificate, he engaged in archery, rifle, and fencing classes, each offering unique challenges and rewards.

Exploring ice skating, cycling, rock climbing, yoga, and dancing through MIT’s physical education program, Spitzer embraced new experiences and honed his skills. Engaging in a diverse range of sports and recreational activities, he found camaraderie and fulfillment within the MIT community.

Throughout his multifaceted experiences at MIT, Spitzer appreciated the freedom to explore different disciplines and interests. By sampling a diverse array of activities and pursuits, he cultivated a well-rounded student experience that fostered personal growth and self-discovery.

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