7 AI Tools That Enhance Teachers’ Efficiency

For the past five years, I’ve been investigating methods to incorporate AI into my teaching methods, even before ChatGPT and other generative AI solutions became popular in education. It’s crucial for every educator to familiarize themselves with AI and how we can use this technology to benefit our students and enhance our own work. To better serve our students, we need to comprehend the impact of this technology on them and on us. One of the best ways to achieve this is through exploring new AI tools in our teaching approaches.

Why Educators Must Grasp AI Tools

Our roles as educators have evolved over the years. Introducing a powerful technology like AI can create some reluctance. In our schools, we need to create opportunities for students to learn about emerging technologies and how they may influence their future. AI tools not only enhance creativity and productivity but also provide educators with valuable insights into student learning. Additionally, such tools can assist in managing time-consuming tasks that educators often face.

Despite the promises of AI, it is important that we address artificial intelligence within our classrooms. As educators, we do more than just impart knowledge; we serve as mentors, facilitators, and co-learners with our students, especially when embracing these emerging powerful technologies. It is vital that we guide our students in understanding the benefits of AI tools and how to utilize them responsibly, ethically, and effectively.

How AI Can Enhance a Teacher’s Role

Personalized learning: Educators can tailor learning experiences based on AI-driven analytics that provide valuable insights into student performance and learning patterns. By leveraging this data, AI can instantly adapt learning materials to suit each student’s strengths, weaknesses, and pace.

Productivity and efficiency: AI also brings greater efficiency. Educators have various administrative tasks, such as communicating with students and families, grading assessments, and providing feedback. Often, these tasks consume more time than actually teaching and engaging with students. AI tools can automate or streamline these tasks, providing teachers with more time to focus on their students.

Content creation and supplementation: With AI-powered platforms, teachers can curate a wide range of educational resources. Generative AI, in particular, allows teachers to create lessons, activities, assessments, discussion prompts, and presentations by providing a short prompt with keywords.

7 Effective Education Tools

Here are seven AI-powered tools that can assist teachers in personalized learning, enabling them to be more efficient and save time, which can then be spent with students. I have personally used each of these tools for my own writing and presentations. The time saved, especially in generating slides, allows me to focus more on the content itself. Additionally, I appreciate that these tools offer translation options, a variety of templates, and other resources commonly used by educators.

1. AudioPen: For years, I have used voice-to-text applications to write blogs, books, emails, and lesson plans. AudioPen is an AI-powered web app that can be used on computers or phones. It enhances your words as it generates the text, which can be edited as needed.

2. Canva Magic Write: Canva now offers Magic Write, an AI text-to-image generator that inspires creativity in writing. It provides ideas, aids in brainstorming, and supports lesson planning, making it a valuable tool for creating presentations or graphics for classroom use. Magic Write analyzes word prompts, assists with brainstorming, creates outlines, writes lesson plans, and generates visually engaging presentations in a fraction of the time.

3. Curipod: This website allows teachers to create interactive lessons in minutes using AI. Students can explore various topics, and the AI functionality generates customized lessons tailored to their learning needs. Teachers simply enter a topic, and a ready-to-run lesson is generated with text, images, and activities such as polls, open-ended responses, word clouds, and more. SEL check-ins can also be incorporated.

4. Eduaide.Ai: This AI-assisted lesson development tool provides educators with over 100 resource types to create high-quality instructional materials. Content generated can be instantly translated into more than 15 languages. Eduaide.Ai offers a content generator, teaching assistant, feedback bot, free-form chat, and assessment builder to assist with creating individualized education program plans, lesson prompts, emails, or accommodation lists for students.

5. OpenAI: OpenAI’s Teaching with AI guide supports educators in using ChatGPT in their classrooms. The guide includes suggested prompts, explanations on ChatGPT’s workings and limitations, and reminders about the importance of verifying information and checking for bias. ChatGPT 4, the paid version, provides greater accuracy and information reliability than the original version.

6. Quizizz: With Quizizz, teachers can design quizzes that create personalized learning paths based on each student’s responses. Quizizz has an AI enhancement that adjusts question difficulty, checks grammar, and redesigns questions to reflect real-world scenarios, with more features on the way.

7. Slidesgo: This tool provides access to free templates via Google Slides and now includes AI Presentation Maker. With this functionality, presentations can be created within minutes. Simply choose a topic, select a tone (casual, creative, or professional), make any necessary changes, and download the presentation. It’s a real time-saver!

Creating and sharing these resources with our students leads to meaningful discussions about the benefits of AI and its appropriate use for creation and learning. There are many more tools available for teachers to explore, each catering to different areas mentioned. The key is to start with a tool and reflect on how it impacts your practice.

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