What motivates college students to enroll in summer courses?

Summer school is commonly linked with students who lagged behind in their regular schoolwork during the academic year or needed to retake classes to graduate.

Nevertheless, numerous college students in good academic standing opt for summer classes for various reasons, such as advancing in their degree plan, lightening their academic load in the regular year, staying occupied, and having the flexibility to take courses at their own pace.

While some students have concerns about the expenses, burnout from the lack of breaks, and the challenges of online formats, many still find it advantageous to engage in summer classes. They appreciate the ability to stay active during the summer and the learning flexibility it offers.

EdSource’s California Student Journalism Corps conducted interviews with university students from seven colleges and universities in California to inquire about their summer class choices, motivations behind them, and the pros and cons they have encountered.

Explore their insights below.

(Click on the names or images below to read what each person had to say.)

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