Reflecting on the tenets that shape our educational practices is fundamental for …
Study reveals teachers and students show hesitancy in discussing gender identity.
Jennifer Livingstone
There have been heated discussions among activists in recent years regarding the content related to race, sexual orientation, and gender identity that should be included in children’s education.
A recent report released by the Pew Research Center reveals a diversity of opinions among teachers, students, and parents. While there is a consensus on the importance of discussing racism in schools, there is a significant split on LGBTQ-related topics, with many questioning their place in the classroom.
About half of teachers, specifically two-thirds of elementary educators, oppose including discussions on gender identity in the school curriculum. Even among students, there is a divide, as approximately one-third feel uncomfortable with this topic being addressed in class.
Juliana Horowitz, associate director of research at Pew, emphasized that although “culture war” issues are often lumped together, teachers, students, and the public tend to view them as distinct subjects.
While most teachers and the general public believe that parents should not be able to opt their children out of racial education, opinions differ when it comes to lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity, with about half of teachers and a majority of Americans supporting parental opt-out rights.
The ongoing legislative actions to regulate the teaching of controversial subjects reflect a mixed public sentiment, highlighting the potential negative impact of broad laws that restrict educational content.
Regardless of political affiliations, many participants believe that government influence over curriculum is excessive and that the “culture wars” are impeding teachers’ effectiveness. Despite media focus on LGBTQ-related discussions, most teachers rarely broach these topics in the classroom.
The Pew study, conducted in the fall, surveyed approximately 9,000 individuals, comprising 5,000 members of the general public, 2,500 public school teachers, and 1,500 teens.
Are ‘culture war’ discussions uncomfortable?
According to the Pew sample, only a minority of teens express comfort discussing controversial issues at school. The comfort levels are notably lower for topics like racism, with 38% at ease, and even more so for sexual orientation and gender identity, with only 29% feeling comfortable.
Teachers hold varied opinions on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ content in the classroom, where roughly half oppose teaching gender identity, while the other half endorse it. Additionally, teachers differ on whether gender instruction should recognize fluidity or adhere to assigned sex at birth.
Parental opinions are split on this matter, according to previous Pew research, with distinct preferences on how gender identity should be taught in schools.
Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, advocates for prioritizing racism education over sexuality education, expressing concern about the focus on sexualizing instruction at the expense of core subjects.
Ginny Gentles, director of the Independent Women’s Forum’s Education Freedom Center, emphasizes the need for nuanced discussions on LGBTQ-related topics, distinguishing between same-sex relationships and gender identity.
The Pew study reveals a significant divergence among teens on gender identity education, with almost half opposing its inclusion in the curriculum, illustrating varying comfort levels with different topics.
Legislative trends impact mental health of young people, LGBTQ+ advocates warn
Casey Pick from the Trevor Project highlights the correlation between inclusive classrooms and lower rates of youth suicide among LGBTQ+ individuals, emphasizing the importance of supportive environments in schools.
Recent legislative actions that aim to silence discussions on LGBTQ+ topics raise concerns among advocates like Rae Sweet, who connects restrictive policies to negative outcomes and stresses the need for acceptance education in schools.
Tragic incidents, such as the death of a gender-expansive student in Oklahoma, further underscore the repercussions of legislative trends that limit teachers’ abilities to create inclusive learning environments.
Jeremy T., a high school student, reflects on the impact of the ‘culture wars’ on his school environment, noting the removal of supportive resources and the prevalence of derogatory remarks towards LGBTQ+ individuals.
Despite misconceptions about young people’s progressiveness, Jeremy highlights the challenges that students face due to political conflicts infiltrating educational settings.
Partisan divides shape perspectives on curriculum issues, study finds
A new report from the University of Southern California delves into the partisan influences on opinions related to curriculum content, particularly focusing on sexuality and gender identity.
The study reveals nuanced attitudes among Democrats regarding transgender inclusion in educational settings, highlighting complex discussions around age-appropriate approaches to these topics.
The intense partisan disagreements on LGBTQ+ issues pose challenges for teachers, with many expressing reluctance towards incorporating such discussions in their classrooms.
Teachers, who constitute a significant portion of the Pew survey respondents, reveal mixed sentiments on the impact of these debates on their profession, with many feeling that decisions are being made without their input.
Despite party divides, both Democratic and Republican teachers share concerns about the lack of influence they have in shaping educational content.