Scientists Reduce Resource Consumption of AI to Be More Environmentally Friendly

This is another installment in our series of articles highlighting new technologies and initiatives that can mitigate climate change, minimize its effects, or aid communities in adapting to a rapidly changing world.

Computer equipment stacked high to the ceiling. Thousands of small fans buzzing. Flashing colored lights. Hot aisles next to cooler rows. Welcome to a state-of-the-art data center.

Every conversation on ChatGPT, every Google search, every TikTok video reaches you through facilities like these.

“You have to wear a jacket and shorts,” says MIT computer scientist Vijay Gadepally about his experience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, Massachusetts. The laboratory’s data center, located a few hours away in Holyoke, specializes in supercomputing. This technology utilizes multiple powerful computers to perform complex calculations.


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