Political science student gains global perspective through UN FAO international internship at MSU

A snapshot of the United Nation’s FAO regional office in Rome, taken by visitors from Mississippi State in 2023. (Photo submitted)

MISSISSIPPI STATE—Madison Maglievaz, a senior at Mississippi State, is gaining valuable experience and insights through her summer internship with the United Nations, setting the stage for her future endeavors in international and agricultural law.

As part of a formal collaboration between the university and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, Maglievaz is currently interning in Budapest, Hungary, facilitated by the MSU Office of Study Abroad.

Photo of Madison Maglievaz during her FAO internship
Madison Maglievaz captured during her internship stint in Budapest, Hungary. (Photo submitted)

“My growth and courage to navigate a foreign country solo this summer wouldn’t have been possible without MSU and the supportive staff,” said Maglievaz, hailing from Charlotte, Texas and majoring in political science/international studies.

At the FAO’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Maglievaz is part of the planning and coordination team, focusing on enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of agrifood systems for better production, nutrition, environmental well-being, and life quality.

 This three-month internship underscores MSU’s commitment to empowering students like Maglievaz to address global challenges, such as food scarcity, which is a key area of focus for the university. Maglievaz’s time at MSU has steered her toward a potential career path that harmonizes her passion for agriculture with international scope.

“The political science department at MSU ignited a new interest in international relations and subjects that I was unaware of before,” she shared. “MSU has allowed me to merge my existing love for agriculture with a newfound fascination for international relations, shaping a potential career trajectory for me.”

Mississippi State University has a longstanding collaboration with the FAO, emphasizing research partnerships in areas such as food safety, nutrition, aquatic animal health, and agriculture. MSU’s President, Mark E. Keenum, a former Under Secretary at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a holder of a doctoral degree in agricultural economics from MSU, has prioritized global food security as a key research focus for the university.

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