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Faculty and staff at MSU recognized for their excellence in natural resource field.

The award recipients from CFR/FWRC include Leslie Burger, Heidi Renninger, Sandr …

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Data science now a mandatory subject for all students

The world we live in is fueled by data. Every commercial, civic, or social inter …

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A Thought-Provoking Topic on Food

In the lab of biology professor Adam Martin at MIT, Juana De La O, a graduate st …

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Republicans Reveal Plan for Tax Credits for Private Schools

Republicans in Idaho have proposed a new plan to assist Idahoans in funding priv …

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Childcare experts remain hopeful amidst increasing challenges

As the child care industry grapples with a financial crisis due to the depletion …

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US Department of Education Resolves Sexual Harassment Investigation of San Francisco Conservatory of Music

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education announced …

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Missouri Legislature and Education Board Question Four-Day School Week

A growing number of school districts in Missouri, including some of the largest …

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AI Tools
“Balsa wood transistors may revolutionize the electronics industry with eco-friendly approach”

This is the next installment in our series highlighting innovative technologies …

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