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Excitement and nerves as families prepare for first day of school at new IPS middle schools

Subscribe now to get The students embarking on their first day at Thomas Carr Ho …

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Community college adopts eight-week courses and shares insights

During July 15, on a Monday, Isothermal Community College (ICC), in collaboratio …

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Special education advocates prioritize funding, mental health, and teacher shortages

In Alexandria, Virginia, special education advocates are meeting with lawmakers …

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Oklahoma Universities to Offer Artificial Intelligence Degree Programs

Students in select public institutions in Oklahoma are set to have the opportuni …

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Kansas City Charter School Increases Learning Time by Locking Up Phones

Face-to-face conversations. Loud music. Gaming activities. “A variety of distrac …

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New Mexico Makes $8.5M Investment to Improve Tutoring Services

New Mexico implemented a tutoring initiative in April, incorporating key “ …

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“End of Accountability: How Society is Failing in Holding People Responsible”

School accountability has vanished, plunged into a crevice with no effort to bid …

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New programs provide a non-college route to tech jobs through alternative STEM education opportunities

BROOKLYN, N.Y. − Upwards of twenty-four months ago, Isaiah Hickerson awoke in th …

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