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RI Lawmakers Suggest Giving Teens Voting Rights in School Committee Elections

Youth aged 16 and 17 in Rhode Island have the ability to engage in various activ …

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COVID Relief Funds for California Colleges Running Out

In March 2020, an educational crisis loomed as a surge of student dropouts threa …

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Revamping use of part-time faculty may help California Community Colleges recover.

The reliance on minimally supported adjunct faculty in the community college sys …

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Alumni activism and tough-on-crime mayor lead to Columbia arrests

Six days ago, Columbia University President Minouche Shafik expressed her reluct …

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Beep to launch electric-autonomous shuttle system in Mississippi at MSU this fall

STARKVILLE, Miss.β€”In a groundbreaking move, Mississippi State University is once …

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Michigan State University’s Langstaff named the university’s newest Udall Scholar

Lily Langstaff (Photo by Grace Cockrell) STARKVILLE, Miss.β€”A junior majoring in …

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Three MIT Students Honored as 2024-25 Goldwater Scholars

Three students from MIT β€” Ben Lou, Srinath Mahankali, and Kenta Suzuki β€” have be …

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Maryland Superintendent Launches Task Force to Evaluate Academic Achievement

After being appointed as Maryland’s permanent superintendent of schools by …

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