New Hampshire Teenagers Step Up to Provide Weekend Snacks and Meals for Underprivileged Peers

New Hampshire Teenagers Providing Snacks and Meals to Hungry Peers Over the Weekend

A Nonprofit Founded and Operated by Teens, Fueled by Kids, Ensures Easy Access to Snacks and Meals

By Jim Fields & Emmeline Zhao
February 1, 2024

In the state of New Hampshire, approximately one in every 12 children experiences hunger. Census pulse data recorded an increase in the percentage of families reporting insufficient food, rising from 44% to 54% between February and April of 2023. This signifies an additional 50,000 households struggling to provide an adequate amount of food for their families.

Fueled by Kids, an organization founded and managed by teenagers in Bedford, New Hampshire, aims to bridge the 67-hour gap between Friday afternoon, when students receive their last school lunch, and Monday morning, when they receive their school breakfast. By doing so, they alleviate the food-related anxiety that many of these children face due to uncertainty around their next meal.

Every week, members of Fueled by Kids gather for their club meeting at Bedford High School. They then collect the pre-ordered food from local grocery stores. In collaboration with other high schools, they pack bags of groceries containing ready-to-eat items or simple meals that the students can easily prepare themselves. These bags are distributed to more than 20 schools, serving over 1,000 students. The recipients remain anonymous to the Fueled by Kids organizers, as they are identified by school counselors and principals as students who may experience food insecurity over the weekend. All funds raised by Fueled by Kids are used directly to purchase food for distribution.

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