Montana State University students not owed tuition for COVID-19 closures.

The recent ruling by the Montana Supreme Court determined that Montana State University is not obligated to provide any refunds to students for tuition or fees following the transition to online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the case involving student Anthony Cordero, the Court acknowledged that while there was an “express contract” in place, MSU did not guarantee a full in-person educational experience or commit to never closing the campus for valid reasons.

Cordero’s expectation of in-person education was termed as a “presumption” by the Court, with MSU retaining the authority to respond to emergencies as necessary.

Moreover, as an institution under the governance of the Board of Regents with constitutional oversight, MSU is entitled to make decisions regarding campus operations, including transitions to online learning.

The Court emphasized that Cordero’s access to classes, albeit online, was maintained during the period in question, and that the university’s actions were in line with its commitment to providing education effectively.

Previous rulings from the District Court, which found no contractual obligations between Cordero and MSU, were overturned by the Supreme Court, affirming that MSU did not breach any contractual duties related to tuition reimbursements.

While Cordero’s legal representation expressed disappointment with the ruling, citing the lack of prorated refunds for unavailable services during the campus closure, MSU maintained that its actions were justified in the face of the pandemic.

The Court’s decision highlighted the variability of outcomes in similar cases across different jurisdictions, noting the complexities of student-university agreements in the context of unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic.

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