Gupta selected as MSU’s second RISE Germany inductee

Surabhi Gupta, a wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture major from Jaipur, India, has been named the latest recipient of the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst-Research Internships in Science and Engineering (DAAD-RISE) at Mississippi State University. The DAAD-RISE program, in collaboration with the German academic exchange service, offers research opportunities that align with students’ research interests and place them in local laboratories specializing in biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and engineering.

Surabhi Gupta (Photo by Grace Cockrell)

Specifically, Gupta will engage in research at Kiel University’s Department of Landscape Ecology in Kiel, Germany.

DAAD-RISE Germany scholars, selected from top undergraduates in North America, England, and Ireland, are paired with Ph.D. mentors and researchers during their stay abroad and are provided with stipends for their living expenses.

Gupta is among the 320 students chosen for this prestigious program this year and is the second winner from Mississippi State University. Having participated in MSU’s Undergraduate Research Scholars Program and Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates Program previously, Gupta aims to explore research practices in a different country and gain field experience with new species in Germany. Her future plans include pursuing a master’s and Ph.D. in computational marine ecology following her undergraduate studies at MSU.

“I have always desired to visit Germany due to my personal connection with the country. My grandfather had significant ties with German institutions and was a Humboldt Scholar,” Gupta expressed. “I selected MSU because of its outstanding research contributions and financial aid for international students. My wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture major allows me to cultivate practical skills through hands-on labs and provides a versatile academic background spanning wildlife ecology, biology, and geosciences.

Surabhi Gupta
Surabhi Gupta (Photo by Emily Grace McCall)

“The welcoming community at MSU has always offered assistance and encouragement whenever needed,” she added. “The university provides numerous resources for students to utilize, and everyone is incredibly supportive.”

David Hoffman, Director of the MSU Office of Prestigious External Scholarships, highlighted Gupta’s extensive research involvement at MSU, outstanding academic performance, campus engagement, and interest in Germany as factors that distinguished her application for this highly competitive program.

“We are thrilled for her success and grateful to Shackouls Honors College for assisting with her travel expenses,” Hoffman remarked. “We hope Surabhi’s achievement inspires others to pursue similar opportunities in the future.

Explore the MSU Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture in the College of Forest Resources by visiting For more details on the RISE Germany program, visit

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