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First group of Master of Science in Nursing students at MSU-Meridian starts weeklong orientation at new nursing school

The first Accelerated Master of Science in Nursing cohort from Mississippi State …

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English Learners Surpass Peers in Chronic Absenteeism in California

In four prominent school districts in California, English language learners are …

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Navigating a School Ban on Cellphones

During lunch last academic year, sixth graders at Bayside Middle School in Virgi …

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Missouri Promotes Evidence-Based Reading Instruction with Funding and Legislation

When observing an elementary reading session, you can witness children learning …

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Arkansas Nonprofit to Use $200,000 Opioid Settlement Funds to Support Teens and Families

Amber Govan is often found within a modest building off 12th Street in Little Ro …

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Hawaii Working to Enhance Career-Based Learning with Increased Need for Teachers

Around 500 educators are set to receive bonuses of up to $8,000 this month, with …

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Qualities of a Great Family-Friendly Book

A few months back, at the start of summer, I argued in favor of reading to your …

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Study finds that charter schools increase college enrollment rates, even if test scores decrease.

A recent examination into charter schools in Massachusetts has revealed remarkab …

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Black and Hispanic Voters Feel Democrats Aren’t Prioritizing K-12 Education

This post is part of The 74’s coverage of EDlection 2024, analyzing candidates’ …

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