Reflecting on the tenets that shape our educational practices is fundamental for …
Achieving Educational Equity through Advanced Education Initiatives
Jennifer Livingstone
The discussion on achieving educational equity right continues with a focus on advanced education. Refer back to the opening post and explore topics related to school funding and student disciplinary measures.
On optimistic days, the notion of establishing consensus around advanced education—including gifted programs in elementary schools and advanced courses in secondary education—feels achievable. It can be succinctly conveyed as a slogan: “Advanced education: Adapt, expand, and make it accessible to a wider student population.”
In essence, if the historical inequities in gifted programs and access to advanced courses are acknowledged—as prevalent in many regions—the solution isn’t to eliminate them as suggested by certain factions across the spectrum of views — instead, the objective is to broaden access, especially for underrepresented groups. This mirrors the recommendations from the National Working Group on Advanced Education, a project sponsored by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
However, the ideological clashes surrounding advanced education delve deeper beyond surface compromises. The complexities are entwined with the ongoing culture wars centered on DEI, wokeism, and the concept of merit in our knowledge-driven economy.
Examining the Progressive Perspective
Many progressive voices exhibit skepticism towards the notion of academic “giftedness.” This skepticism partly stems from the contentious history of the gifted-and-talented movement, which once aligned with problematic ideologies, including eugenics and white supremacy. Additionally, the disproportionate enrollment of White children into gifted programs in certain communities was a tactic to shield them from desegregation efforts.
Moreover, disparities persist in the representation of Black, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students in gifted programs and advanced courses. The prevailing belief that “talent is evenly distributed, but opportunities are not” underlines the fundamental clash between these programs and equitable access. It suggests that high achievement is more a product of privilege than merit.
Assessing the Conservative Viewpoint
Conversely, conservative perspectives often uphold a meritocratic stance towards achievement. They contend that considerations of race or class should be irrelevant in evaluating eligibility for gifted programs or selective educational opportunities. The emphasis lies on individual assessment, with disparities viewed as a reflection of personal circumstances rather than systemic biases. The overarching goal is to enable every student to harness their potential to bolster the future economy and national security.
Seeking a Middle Ground
The opposing stances paint a picture of a substantial ideological gap. Is academic excellence a testament to merit or privilege? Why are students of color underrepresented in advanced educational tracks? These questions underscore the deeply rooted disparities and unresolved debates.
Applying our guiding principles from previous discussions, we reflect on three fundamental rules:
- Prioritize uplifting disadvantaged students without compromising standards.
- Focus on narrowing the gap between economically privileged and underprivileged students rather than high-achieving and low-achieving students.
- Emphasize class-based equity initiatives over racial considerations.
Eliminating gifted programs and advanced courses would contradict the first rule by diluting standards for the sake of uniformity. To address this, advocating for acceleration for high-achieving students while ensuring inclusivity is crucial. Implementing “local norms” to identify talented students within each school and offering them enrichment opportunities can democratize access and diversify program participation.
Rules two and three highlight the significance of holding all students to high standards and focusing on socioeconomic disparities to combat educational inequities. Acknowledging the historical pitfalls of academic tracking and the importance of continuous assessment are key in fostering a holistic approach to advanced learning.
The complexity of class-based versus race-based equity challenges requires nuanced solutions. While economic factors play a substantial role in academic outcomes, racial disparities persist even among high-SES Black students, revealing deeper-rooted inequities.